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LOY Program Options

Hanna Pylväinen offers a variety of LOY programs, from the approximately one-hour presentation to seminars with writing workshop. Click below for brief descriptions; Hanna is happy to work out the details with you. She describes her programs and requested honorarium for each of six options:

I will read from a portion of “The End of Drum-Time” and/or “We Sinners” (depending on interest). I am happy to have the host chapter provide a moderator. A reception may follow, if desired. Honorarium: $500

This program features a PowerPoint with slides from my research trips in northern Finland and Norway (Sápmi), to take attendees through the process of researching and writing “The End of Drum-Time.” This includes a short reading from my work. Honorarium: $600

Two options for a Reading, Q&A (followed by a reception, if desired) and a 90-minute writing seminar. Please note I am very much a pedagogue and these workshops will include handouts with specific take-home ideas for participants to improve their writing. I refer to these as “seminars” rather than “workshops” since I will be teaching very specifically to the following issues. Honorariumis $750 for either one.

Seminar on researching and incorporating research into plot and prose, with a special focus on writing/researching Sámi culture. I will cover some practical methods of research as well as examples of bringing research into a scene. Participants will have an opportunity to do writing exercises of their own; before the workshop, I will give instructions as to research participants can do and bring with them to class to practice specific skills on, like filtering through a character’s point-of-view, how to avoid “info-dumping,” and how to manage historical “voice.” I do not have a limit on the number of attendees who can attend, as long as the chapter has seating for all who want to attend. Honorarium: $750

Incorporating the language, food, character and culture of Finland into American prose. We will look at methods of incorporating Finnish language into the sentence level, how to “explain” Finnishness to a non-Finnish audience, how Finnish values might appear in diction choices or sentence structure, and how to manage characters who might be very reserved and less likely to behave as a “Captain Happen”–someone who sets off dramatic action. We’ll also look at writing about nature and consider some strategies for fresh prose in this challenging subject area. Participants will have an opportunity to do writing exercises of their own. I do not have a limit on the number of attendees who can attend, as long as the chapter has seating for all who want to attend. Honorarium: $750

Book talk, Q&A and writing workshop. Honorarium: $850

Book talk or reading, Q&A and both writing workshops (likely on two separate days over a weekend. Honorarium: $1,000