Young Leaders Board
Thanks for your interest in the Finlandia Foundation Young Leaders Board
Applications are currently closed for volunteer positions on the YLB, however, we will open then again in 2025. Below you’ll find information about the origins of the group, its goals and current members, as well as a link to the interest form.
At right: YLB members met in Seattle for a strategy session.

Interested in serving on the YLB?
The FFN Young Leaders Board is comprised of motivated volunteers between the ages of 23 and 35 who have an interest in Finnish America and Finland.
Our goal is to tap the talent pool of this generation of Finns, Finnish-Americans and others in the U.S. who are intrigued by Finnish heritage and contemporary Finland, and are looking for a way to pursue and advance those interests. We strive to create community, networking opportunities and interesting programs.
Since its founding in 2021, YLB members from across the U.S. have brought a range of expertise, from finance to marketing, to the FFN organization. They take their commitment seriously and meet virtually on a regular basis. They serve alongside trustees on FFN committees and offer fresh perspectives on current and future programs.

The YLB is happy to have worked with the Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C., to establish an annual series of events focused on topics relevant to Finland and the U.S. Additionally, the group considers innovative ways to engage with new “Finnterested” audiences, both in-person and virtually.
Interested in volunteering for a minimum two-year term?

YLB Background
In early 2021 we launched the Young Leaders Board (YLB) of Finlandia Foundation National to work alongside the FFN trustees.
We see this as imperative, in order to attract younger people who will get to know, love and nurture this organization for the future.
Our goal is to tap the talent pool of the generation of Finns, Finnish-Americans and others in the U.S. who are intrigued by Finnish heritage and contemporary Finland, and are looking for a way to pursue and advance those interests.
Each YLB member has committed to working with FFN committees to achieve our organizational goals, both short and long range.
The Young Leaders Board regularly meets online and almost immediately launched two initiatives: Finnish American Professional Network on Linkedin and a curated Spotify playlist of favorite Finnish bops. They have also established a relationship with the Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C., and have conducted events for young professionals there.
We are thrilled with the enthusiastic response and involvement of the original, eight charter members of YLB. They established the organization, and brought a diverse set of skills, interests and experience to their volunteer positions. And now, we welcome the next members of the organization.
Each YLB member has committed to working with FFN committees to achieve our organizational goals, both short and long range. Join YLB and click on the video by Nate Kilponen-Fix on his thoughts about why heritage matters.
All are invited to follow FFN social media and sign up for our free, monthly e-news to learn of new programs and opportunities with YLB.
YLB Members

Lexi Brewer is a third generation Finnish-American, and graduate of the University of Washington’s Finnish Studies department. A sustainability professional, she currently is the director of Sustainability at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, and a long-standing member of the Sustainable Tacoma Commission. In her off time, she enjoys volunteering at the Gallucci Community Garden, knitting, Eurovision and introducing her toddler to all things Moomin.

Abi Carlson is a proud “bi-peninsular” Finnish-American from Michigan. A social worker, she is passionate about and has been involved in the climate justice movement in her communities, and is currently an Ambassador for the Community Collaboration on Climate Change. Abby has traveled all over the United States and is excited to bring her love of sustainability and social justice to the YLB. She hopes to fulfill a lifelong dream of going to Finland.

Oliver Gardner was born in Helsinki, and currently lives in Boston, where he is studying at Boston College’s Carrol School of Management. “Finnish culture has always been a major part of my life, whether it be speaking Finnish with my family or attending elementary school in Helsinki.”

Rachel Hamalainen is a New York City-based nonprofit executive who specializes in mobilizing philanthropic resources in pursuit of equity and social justice. She currently works at CCS Fundraising and holds degrees from NYU Wagner and Amherst College.

Anne Junttila is an Education Specialist at Riverbanks Zoo and Garden in Columbia, South Carolina. Here, they focus on providing high-quality educational experiences for youth that have lasting impacts on conservation.

Nate Kilponen-Fix is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with Finnish roots in Hancock, Michigan. He is an alumni of the Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics. “I am excited to connect with the YLB and take an active responsibility in strengthening our communities.””

Ashley “Aili” Lund is based in Washington, D.C. and works in the U.S. House of Representatives. Aili is from Duluth, Minnesota and grew up attending Salolampi, playing in a youth kantele ensemble and taking part in Finnish American community events. After graduating from college, she spent a year teaching English and studying Finnish in Finland. Aili serves on the Salolampi Foundation Board of Directors and is honored to join the Finlandia Foundation Young Leaders Board to help strengthen ties among the younger Finnish American generations.
The new members join the founding members currently active in YLB:

Mirva Johnson is a PH.D. candidate in Scandinavian Folklore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Mikko McFeely works as the resilience and sustainability director for a group of the national’ largest public water utilities.

Anya Peck is a global public health social entrepreneur, currently based in New York City.

Lauren Tuiskula is a second generation Finn from Worcester, Massachusetts. She is associate managing editor for the GIST, a female-founded sports media company.