MI: Summer Picnic
Finnish Center Association 35200 W. Eight Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, United StatesEnjoy a casual meal and visit with friends on the grounds of the Finnish Center.
Enjoy a casual meal and visit with friends on the grounds of the Finnish Center.
Showing and talking about rag rugs with traditional Finnish coffee and goodies.
Enjoy the traditional Finnish oven baked pancake breakfast
Enjoy the tunes at the Central Mass Accordion Club Dance
Jenny and Gunnar Luhta of Halcyon Restaurant will cook up their famous fish dinner. Enter the raffle to win a Finnish glass bird.
Browse the Nordic marketplace and enjoy the Saima Classic Car Cruise, plus vendors, food and music
Enjoy the tunes at the Central Mass Accordion Club Dance
FFN Lecturer of the Year Suzanne Matson will talk about her writing, and tapping her family and personal history in her works.
Enjoy the music, food, crafts, entertainment and folk costume show of Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Traditional Finnish salmon soup, munkki (donuts), Sima and more at this Mayday Celebration featuring the musical duo of Selma Seppanen FFN Performer of the Year Miska Kajanus.