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Welcome to Finnposium

Finlandia Foundation National brings you Finnposium, a variety of online chats, webinars, musical and other presentations related to Finland and Finnish culture in the United States.

The internet allows us to create a kind of virtual symposium enjoyed by the ancient Greeks: a post-banquet program of music, conversation, dancing and drinking.

The refreshments are up to you, but FFN strives to keep you entertained and informed with its wide range of programs. They will, with rare exception, be available indefinitely at the FFN YouTube channel.

Check for events at the FFN web calendar and Facebook page, and sign up for the free, monthly E-News for alerts on new programming.

Here’s a sampling of the programs available online at our YouTube channel; click video below:


Click Finnposium at right and look for the following playlists to enjoy a variety of programming including:

In Conversation

In this YouTube program, FFN hosts get Finnish and Finnish-American individuals from a variety of fields and areas of interest to talk about their fascinating work and lives.

My American Dream

In this monthly program, Michel Wendell interviews Finnish and Finnish-American entrepreneurs who share their stories as they follow their dreams and paths to success in the United States.

Deep River with Author Karl Marlantes

Finlandia Foundation National is pleased to present a chat with Karl Marlantes, award-winning author of the epic novel Deep River, which is rooted in his family’s immigrant experience.

ICE by Ulla-Lena Lundberg

Finlandia Foundation National created this series about ICE, the story of a pastor and his young family, new to a community in the rugged Finnish archipelago.

Meet Boston Ballet Artistic Director Mikko Nissinen

Finlandia Foundation National is honored to have had the opportunity to visit via Zoom with internationally renowned Mikko Nissinen, artistic director of the Boston Ballet.

Finnish Recipes and Delights

Noted Twin Cities food experts Soile Anderson and Eleanor Ostman co-present a tasty program about Finnish foodways as Lecturer of the Year from July 2019 through December 2022.