WI: Scandinavian Festival
Ronald Reagan Elementary School New Berlin, WisconsinCelebrate Nordic Heritage with food, entertainment, dancing and more from Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Celebrate Nordic Heritage with food, entertainment, dancing and more from Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
19th annual event with delicious "boil" and Scandinavian Tent Sale. For prices and reservations see the FASM website.
Concert pianist Ruusamari Teppo performs Sibelius.
Gather for a cultural experience that includes presentations, music, films, tori/marketplace and much more.
Betty Kangas Petroski will reveal discoveries she has made while translating records from the former Finnish Lutheran Church that served the Beechwood community from 1894-1956. Pat Turner will explain the […]
Concert pianist Ruusamari Teppo performs.
Enjoy tunes by Timo and Sue.
Karelian Stew Lunch and program by Dr. Richard Hansen: “Rajalta Rajalle. A Ski Odyssey Across Finland." $12 for lunch and $5 donation for the program. Refreshments after the program.
Fall Retreat Weekend at Salolampi Language Village for cultural immersion in Finnish culinary arts & hand-and-woodcrafts. Bake and cook Finnish classics including pulla, Karelian rice pies, rye bread, rutabaga casserole, Nordic grain salad, and Finnish oven pancake. Handcrafts include rag rug loom weaving, basic and more advanced yarn projects, whittling and holiday favorites. Find details, […]
Screening of the new documentary film "Pelkie: 100 Years of Finnishness in Michigan's North Woods" by Michael Loukinen. Pelkie is representative of the many Finnish American rural communities in the Western Lake Superior Region. Film, coffee and discussion in Jamrich Hall Room 1100.