Lecturer of the year
In 2006 Finlandia Foundation National (FFN), the premier network of Finnish-American organizations in the United States, introduced its Lecturer of the Year (LOY) program for the purpose of sharing the history and culture of Finland and Finnish America with audiences across the U.S.
Since its inception, FFN chapters have hosted LOY on topics ranging from the Winter War to Jean Sibelius, the architecture of the Saarinens, and folk music traditions.

Eero Kilpi is a leading advocate for Finnish sauna culture in North America, serving as a founding member and former President of the North American Sauna Society, President of Finlandia Foundation New York Metropolitan Chapter, and a recognized voice on sauna tradition featured in The New York Times and Forbes, while co-hosting The Upper Bench podcast to explore sauna’s art, science, and global significance.

Hanna Pylväinen, author of The End of Drum-Time, a 2023 finalist for the National Book Award for fiction. Set in the 1851 world of Sámi reindeer herders, religion, beliefs, faith and love, is Lecturer of the Year for 2024.

In 2006 Finlandia Foundation National introduced its Lecturer of the Year program featuring experts on a variety of topics related to Finland and Finnish America. Writer Suzanne Matson was LOY 2023.